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COVID-19 Impact on Business Growth and Asset Quality has been Moderate for Chinese Auto Finance Companies: A Credit Study on the Auto Finance Industry in China





COVID-19 Impact on Business Growth and Asset Quality has been Moderate for Chinese Auto Finance Companies: A Credit Study on the Auto Finance Industry in China

This desktop analysis is based on S&P Global (China) Ratings Financial Institutions Methodology. We typically determine the stand-alone credit quality based on our assessment of an institution’s anchor, a starting point, and then incorporate its own characteristics compared with the anchor. S&P Global (China) Ratings typically applies an anchor of ‘bb+’ for non-bank financial institutions (“NBFI”). For NBFIs licensed and regulated by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”), we typically adjust their anchor from ‘bb+’ to ‘bbb-’ to reflect their robust regulatory environment and access to the inter-bank market. The entity-specific factors that we may use to adjust from the anchor include business position, capital and earnings, risk position, and funding and liquidity. We then determine the issuer credit quality based on the stand-alone credit quality and our assessment of potential group and government influence. 



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  • “以旧换新”整体有利于楼市去库存,但不同模式的政策效果或存差异。
  • 地方政府或国资平台出“真金白银”的“收购模式”要好于“帮卖模式”。“收购模式”发挥效力的关键在于背后的资金支持力度,即是否有更高层级的资金支持落地值得下一阶段重点关注。
  • “以旧换新”政策现阶段对一般开发商消化库存的实质性帮助相对有限。这是因为“收购模式”大都处于少量试点阶段,并且地方国企平台操办的“以旧换新”多局限于自身开发的楼盘,难以惠及一般开发商楼盘。
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( 编者按:本研究是对2024年2月发布的研究的更新,对TLAC债券实际发行情况和银行TLAC缺口情况进行了更新。 )






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